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Presentation Slides

Starting with version 1.1, IT4KT Builder has experimental support for generating presentation slides from Markdown files. Slides are based on Shower Presentation Engine.

Creating slides folder

Slides can be created in folder with type: shower_slides.

If you want to exclude slides from the course menu and only provide links to them in lecture notes, just, create a folder without a title:

  - path: slides
    type: shower_slides

Writing slides


Slide file begins with the metadata section:

Title: Title displyed in the header of the presentation
Subtitle: For example name of the presenter
Theme: material
Aspect-ratio: 16/10

Metadata keys can be localized:

Nadpis: Nadpis zobrazený v hlavičke prezentácie
Podnadpis: Napríklad meno prezentujúceho
Téma: material
Pomer-strán: 16/10


Standard slides can be started with second level heading, horizontal line or using <section class="slide"> tag:

## Slide header


Slide without header
<section class="slide">
  <h2>HTML slide</h2>

There is special syntax for two types of slides. First-level Setext-style header marks the title slide:

Title slide

Second-level Setext-style header is used for “shout slides” with very large centered text:



We provide four themes for slides. Ribbon and Material are default Shower themes. We have only added special styling for the title slide. Fira and KPI are slightly modified versions of the Material theme with Fira Sans instead of Roboto and different colors.
